The Real Bigfoot Conspiracy

Bigfoot Conspiracy

Meanwhile, a Texas man named Rick Dyer has released pictures of a Bigfoot specimen that he claims to have killed outside of San Antonio in 2012. He had been revealing bit of information about the specimen for the past two years in preparation for a world tour with the body…

Bigfoot Conspiracy

Meanwhile, a Texas man named Rick Dyer has released pictures of a Bigfoot specimen that he claims to have killed outside of San Antonio in 2012. He had been revealing bit of information about the specimen for the past two years in preparation for a world tour with the body.

Dyer Real Bigfoot
via Rick Dyer’s Facebook page

Dyer says he originally tracked down and shot, not one, but two of the mythical creatures, and the other Bigfoot that he allegedly shot “was taken by the federal government and never returned.”

There are certainly reasons to doubt Dyer’s claims as he has previously been involved with a Bigfoot hoax in 2008 and was arrested for fraud in 2011. But this time, Dyer says you should believe him.

Source: Huffington Post