5 Most Mysterious Sounds Ever Recorded

From mysterious sounds in the sky to strange sounds in the sea, unexplained sounds have been reported worldwide. These are the top strange noises reported around the world…

From mysterious sounds in the sky to strange sounds in the sea, unexplained sounds have been reported worldwide. These are the top strange noises reported around the world…

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Including creepy Russian numbers stations like UVB-76, the underwater Bloop sound, an unexplained hum – sometimes known as the Taos hum – vibrating the air in places as far apart as Canada and Australia, mysterious booms rocking the sky, and the odd whale sounds of the 52 hertz whale — the loneliest whale in the world.

These strange sounds have been reported throughout history, but some continue through 2014 and today. Just what are these strange, sometimes scary noises? Are they signs of the apocalypse? Caused by government projects like HAARP, secret Air Force jets or even NASA? Or perhaps there are reasonable, less apocalyptic explanations…


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