Rats Taking Cuddle Chemical Don’t Get Drunk

The so-called “cuddle chemical” seems to block the action of alcohol in the brain, preventing the tell-tale signs of drunkenness in rats…

The so-called “cuddle chemical” seems to block the action of alcohol in the brain, preventing the tell-tale signs of drunkenness in rats.

Full story: http://bit.ly/1GlyJvI

Jupiter UFO Transit

While observing Jupiter an amateur astronomer witnessed a UFO flying across the face of the planet…

From Kenneth Brandon – Dark Sky Chaser:

While observing Jupiter I witnessed what I believe is an earth satellite flying across the face of Jupiter. I measured the UFO to be 7.6 arcseconds. It was around 7:24pm PST Feb 16, 2015. Using https://in-the-sky.org/satmap.php I could not figure out what satellite it would have been. I asked Phil Plait ‏aka the BadAstronomer if he thought it was a satellite, he replied: “Seems big for that. Might be something terrestrial; balloon, or something like that. But I don’t know.” Any help in figuring out what object was is highly appreciated!

Shooting at 30fps it took about 10 frames to travel across the face of Jupiter which had a diameter of about 44″, so it was traveling about 132 arcseconds/sec

My flickr: http://flickr.com/KenBrandon
My facebook: http://on.fb.me/KennethDarkSkyChaser

Celestron G8 Telescope and Mount with dual axis motors for tracking.
Video with Canon T3i at prime focus in Digital x10 video mode, ISO 100, WB-Daylight
30s of the video was stacked in RegiStax

B-52 Stratofortress Bombing Run GoPro Footage

Incredible footage from the bomb bay of a B-52 Stratofortress as it completes a bombing run on an uninhabited island.

Incredible footage from the bomb bay of a B-52 Stratofortress as it completes a bombing run on an uninhabited island. Keep watching for a view of the direct hit at the end!

Hydrocarbon vs Ink – Implosion

Purple ink react with both alcohol and hydrocarbons, triggering two separate type of reactions in the same dish.

Purple ink react with both alcohol and hydrocarbons, triggering two separate type of reactions in the same dish.
Chemical Bouillon is an artistic project studying the graphic aspect of chemical reactions. The goal is to find and isolate natural patterns by mixing every strange product we can lay our hands on. This results in a colorful mess that will sometimes turn into an amazing abstract video we’re happy to share.

Subscribe for more : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6Ir…

Made in Paris, France by :
Antoine Delach,
Valere Amirault,