UFO Trails Asteroid In NASA Photo During Near-Miss Of Earth

A UFO appears clearly in a series of NASA photos taken Monday of a giant asteroid making a record-close fly-by of the Earth.

A UFO appears clearly in a series of NASA photos taken Monday of a giant asteroid that zoomed past Earth at a speed of 35,000 miles per hour, missing our home planet by what in cosmic terms was a hair’s breadth — 745,000 miles. In fact, the UFO appears so unmistakably in the NASA asteroid photos that the government scientists could not ignore or deny its existence this time.

So, instead, they simply labeled the strange object a “moon.”

That, anyway, is the view of the UFO researchers who placed a spotlight on the bizarre sighting, when the photos were made public Tuesday.

“This asteroid has a UFO flying in orbit around it. We can see from the detailed photo that the craft is diamond shaped and flat,” wrote Scott Waring, prominent UFOlogist and editor of the popular blog UFO Sightings Daily.

“NASA of course goes on to say that this flat object which does not flip over end is a moon. Wrong! Any moon this thin would be tumbling end over end. This object is keeping itself steady, flying like a ship would in space.”

When the asteroid the size of a small mountain, a space rock known as 2004 BL86, whizzed past Earth on Monday, it was the closest fly-by of an asteroid that size that any astronomer had on record, and will remain the closest until another huge asteroid — 1999 AN 10 — barrels past our planet in the year 2027.

“They show the primary body is approximately 1,100 feet across and has a small moon approximately 230 feet across,” the NASA JPL explained on its site. “In the near-Earth population, about 16 percent of asteroids that are about 655 feet or larger are a binary (the primary asteroid with a smaller asteroid moon orbiting it) or even triple systems (two moons).”

In other words, NASA says that it is not at all unusual for a large asteroid to come complete with its own “moon” — which in reality is a smaller asteroid trapped by the gravity of the larger one.

But NASA’s explanation remained unconvincing to UFO researchers who saw not a 230-foot rock, but an extraterrestrial spacecraft in the grainy images. Above is a video composite of the latest NASA UFO images from the asteroid fly-by.

Nasa Accused of Cutting Live ISS Feed as UFO Hovers in Sight

What was NASA hiding? On Jan. 6, NASA allegedly cut the live feed coming from the ISS just when a mysterious UFO appeared to hover over the Earth.

What was NASA hiding? On Jan. 6, NASA allegedly cut the live feed coming from the High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) cameras mounted on the International Space Station (ISS) abruptly just when a mysterious UFO appeared to hover over the Earth. NASA said they experienced technical difficulties and it’s actually not uncommon for the live feeds to be cut once in a while, but the timing of this particular cut is leaving some alien-enthusiasts protesting.

UFO-watchers, who have long distrusted official statements from NASA, are now claiming that the latest drop of the live feed from the ISS as soon as the UFO came into view is an obvious and deliberate attempt to hide what they believe are regular sightings of alien spacecrafts coming close to Earth’s orbit.

A clip from the cut live feed was uploaded to YouTube by Streetcap1 who makes it clear that the object is not the moon, which appears white when it rises over the earth’s horizon.

According to UFO-watcher and conspiracy theorist, Scott Waring, who runs the website UFO Sightings Daily, he was not surprised that the feed was cut at the perfect moment when the object appeared and before anyone could get a better look at it.

“NASA did it again. A UFO shows up on live public Internet cam and NASA takes it off line. Who here is surprised by this? If you are, you are new here. UFOs are caught by researchers on a weekly basis and NASA does cut the line when they catch them,” he wrote.

Waring also accused NASA of more alien cover-ups last March when the agency announced it would have to shut down the HD live streaming from ISS due to budget cuts.

“NASA says they will shut down the live public cams due to budget cuts, even though the Canada company selling the photos will pay NASA a crap load of cash yearly. So the ‘budget cuts’ excuse is a lie,” said Waring.

Although UFO enthusiasts are being loud and clear about what they saw on the feed, NASA has remained mum on the mysterious object and to the accusations of hiding the truth.

Strange UFO Ejects Orb Over California

This unidentified flying object was captured on video over Southern California. The UFO—which is producing a corkscrew tail that seems to indicate rotational movement—ejects some round thing that flies into another direction at a faster speed than the object itself. What can it all be?

This unidentified flying object was captured on video over Southern California. The UFO—which is producing a corkscrew tail that seems to indicate rotational movement—ejects some round thing that flies into another direction at a faster speed than the object itself. What can it all be?

A meteor

Today is the peak night of the Quadantrid Meteor Shower, which happens as the Earth crosses the remains of a comet or planetoid observed half century ago. It’s logical to think this is may be one of these meteors, but it seems way too slow to be a meteor, which enter the atmosphere at a much faster speed than the UFO recorded in California.

A satellite or spacecraft on re-entry

Judging by its speed, this can also be an unknown satellite or a spacecraft entering the atmosphere. There have been no official reports at this time and there may never be one because it could be a military satellite or some secret experimental spacecraft. The ball may be a piece of the object ejected in a violent explosion.

An experimental anti-intercontinental ballistic missile defense system or some other weapons test

This is may be a possibility, as the US announced last month that they were going to start testing anti-ICBM system. It’s definitely not an ICBM, however, as the warheads wouldn’t be ejected in that way, as shown in this video of a recent Russian test.

An alien spaceship crashing with an alien escaping in a pod

Why not, right?

A very good CGI prank

This is the most obvious explanation—it could all be a prank carefully crafted in a computer.

Any other theories?