5 Most Haunting Last Photos

Presenting mysterious, haunting and rare final photos from history. From the last photo ever taken of the Titanic to the eerie, tragic end of a scientist caught in a volcanic explosion.

Mysterious, haunting and rare final photos from history. From the last photo ever taken of the Titanic to the eerie, tragic end of a scientist caught in a volcanic explosion.
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Warning, text spoilers below…
Presenting genuine, strange last photographs from history, including the final picture of the Titanic afloat at sea, a haunting image from American history, the chilling last picture of the Scott Group before being lost forever in Antarctica, the final photo of Machu Picchu’s untouched past and the rare tragic last photograph of volcanologist Daniel Johnston prior to the explosion of Mount St. Helens.

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Music: “My Impending Doom” by Gracystudios

Intro: “The Machine Thinks”
Background audio copyright Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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